Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç

Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç

65,00 TL
52,00 TL

Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç

Stok Kodu
Garanti Süresi
24 Ay
* 4,95 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!
65,00 TL
52,00 TL
Boutique Hotels: Turkey Kitap Açıklaması In this book, we embarked upon the creation of an unbiased, reliable, and sophisticated travel guide. In an age of easy access to information, context may be elusive and discernment may require effort. Consequently, we scoured Turkey for examples of exclusive destinations and experiences, richly informed by the past yet vibrantly accessible in the present. We gained new perspectives from everyone encountered and each hotel visited. To produce such a comprehensive book replete with stunning and unconventional photographs requires considerable effort which we hope our discerning readers may appreciate. Not just a hotel guide, this book contains reflections of extensive experiences included intentionally to expand the reader's horizons on a variety of topics. As you turn each page, prepare to enjoy beautiful scenery and a journey encompassing past and present - from Istanbul to Izmir, Cappadocia to Mardin, and Eceabat to Konya - all held within your hands. As you read on, consider remaining open to new experiences, as both books and travel hold the greatest potential to appreciate life from a fresh perspective... Because "to travel is to live!"
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Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç | 9786254493522
Alfa Yayıncılık Boutique Hotels: Turkey-Saffet Emre Tonguç

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